A few years back I was able to buy a camera I had wanted for ever and a day. Ok maybe not that long. But It was something I really wanted and wanted it for a long time! *Ü* It was the Canon Rebel. I loved my camera! Yes, loved.
So did my daughter! She stole it every chance she could! It turned into a steady hobby for her and I. Although this hobby turned into much more than that for her. She has been asked to take countless Sr. photos for friends, prom and even a wedding over the last few years. She really does have a knack for photography. Its the artistic gene she inherited from her Pa not Ma.
Sadly, this daughter... I will only name initials... CHRISTIAN left my camera bag on the floor and opened! Might not be a problem in your casa, but here in our casa, casa of pets its a big NO NO! LIL Man ( our male cat ) decided that the bag belonged to him along with all its contents. My camera, extra lens, extra battery, charger... you name it he marked it! Yes, he MARKED it!! Everything was a loss, even the camera bag.
Not sure exactly when he claimed it all, but one night I was sitting on the couch and I heard this constant clicking coming for one side of the room. I got up to investigate and lo and behold, it was my precious camera! The shutter was going nuts! It was actually off, but ehhum... the markings shorted it out and caused it to go haywire even in off mode. :( Big sad face inserted here.
NOW insert big smiley face here!! *Ü*
It has been almost 2 years since the death if my XTI. I now have a new baby!! YES!! The Canon 7D!
Holy Canoly this is an awesome camera! So much so, I am still figuring it all out! Ive had it for over a week now and still don't fully comprehend its greatness!! All I know is I love this camera!!
Canon Rebel you ask? What Rebel?
PS. LIL Man is not allowed near this camera, ever!! Ok, Maybe... but only to take his mug shot!