Sunday, September 21, 2008

Menu Monday! Its gonna be light! *Ü*

I completely forgot about family favorites this week.... Although we do make the recipes I share... one of our favorites is the Ritz Chicken!!

This weeks goods is below. Have a great week!

I am anticipating my week... I know it will be busy... so the meals are easy, light and ones the kids can jump in and make for us if need be. *Ü* They are old enough and have to continue to learn right?? *Ü*

Last week went pretty well... although we didn't make Beef rocks... we ate out. Maybe they will pan out this week?? I'm not sure... but he, this isn't written in stone right?

Monday Grilled Turkey burgers ( George Foreman grill) sweet potato fries and mixed vegetables.

Tuesday: Grilled Salmon, rice and veggies.

Wednesday: Chicken soup and some type of sandwich... they tend to be grilled cheese or tuna melts.

Thursday: Beef Rocks, veggies and side salad.

Friday: I am working, so its a slow cooker night. Spanish meatloaf that I made a week or two ago. It was nummy... and it will be served w/ a garden salad.

Saturday: This is also a busy day, so we will keep it simple sweetie!! Burritos, sweet potato french fries and sweet corn... that's easy enough! *Ü*

Sunday: Honestly, I'm not sure yet... sad but true. We would like to start having company on Sundays after church for fellowship... so it might be pot luck style or slow cooker soup.... I love the idea of Navy bean soup or maybe a lentil soup... The weather has turned here... not that we had great weather this summer.... we shall see what the week holds.

Go visit for more great ideas! Hundreds! *Ü*


Tina in WA said...

Great menu plan! I "still" need to do something like this.

You're not going to believe this... After church, I was thinking about ways to fellowship with other families and I thought (just like you mentioned) how I would like have other families over after church for fellowship. That is just too neat you have been thinking the same thing.


lori said...

I am following your lead...I AM making menus...I just finished made a HUGE difference in September...I've been making most of them in the morning since the afternoon schedules are all over the place...
TOO BAD you don't live right around the corner...we could share soup!;)

I'm going to check out the Beef Rocks..I'm intrigued!:)

have a great week Lisa!
hugs from the other side of the country:)

Rhonda said...

Hi Lisa!
I have an award for you over at my blog. Pop over for it any time you can.