Thursday, September 25, 2008

This just in! Must see movie... I think it is... *Ü*

I just got a message from Way of the Master that Kirk Cameron will be on Dr. Phil tonight at 5:00pm... I never watch Dr. Phil... but I guess Kirk Cameron is going to be speaking about his new film called fireproof.... I had never heard of it.... so... I went to the link that was given to take a peak....

Now.... I hope we can see it!! It looks wonderful.... I love movies that expose relationships and matters of the heart.... *Ü* This one... will do that.... watch the trailer... It was powerful. Then... spread the word! *Ü*

Love you all!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Brillante: bright, radiant, shining......

Rhonda over at Living Water Christian Academy sent me some love today.... she gave me this Brillante blog award! That's so cool.... Thank you Rhonda... *Ü*

I had to Google brillante... and this is what I came up with:

Brillante means bright, radiant, and shining.

Aw shucks...blushing....*Ü*

I will follow in Rhonda's foot steps.... and choose 3 blogs... This is so hard.... because all the blogs I visit, I visit because I love them!!

Jessica at Trivium Academy Her blog is always filled with ideas, resources and encouragement as she shares her heart and experiences...... Its Brillante! *Ü*

Brittany at King Alfred Academy Her blog is also Brillante! She shares the joys of being outdoors and homeschooling 2 precious boys while hubby works and is going to school himself! I'm always impressed with her and family and enjoy reading and getting to know her.

Jennerfer at Smooth Stones Academy Her blog is always filled with warmth, encouragement along with glimpse into her home school and life. She shares her heart... just like my other 2 choices....


I have no idea what happened to the end of my post... wierd... so w/ saying that... I want to add a 4th peep...

Tina at Jetihoja! She hasn't been bloggin much... just started up again... and its great she is... she loves to share her nature study enthusiasm and what she does in co-op! She should get this too! Brillante!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Menu Monday! Its gonna be light! *Ü*

I completely forgot about family favorites this week.... Although we do make the recipes I share... one of our favorites is the Ritz Chicken!!

This weeks goods is below. Have a great week!

I am anticipating my week... I know it will be busy... so the meals are easy, light and ones the kids can jump in and make for us if need be. *Ü* They are old enough and have to continue to learn right?? *Ü*

Last week went pretty well... although we didn't make Beef rocks... we ate out. Maybe they will pan out this week?? I'm not sure... but he, this isn't written in stone right?

Monday Grilled Turkey burgers ( George Foreman grill) sweet potato fries and mixed vegetables.

Tuesday: Grilled Salmon, rice and veggies.

Wednesday: Chicken soup and some type of sandwich... they tend to be grilled cheese or tuna melts.

Thursday: Beef Rocks, veggies and side salad.

Friday: I am working, so its a slow cooker night. Spanish meatloaf that I made a week or two ago. It was nummy... and it will be served w/ a garden salad.

Saturday: This is also a busy day, so we will keep it simple sweetie!! Burritos, sweet potato french fries and sweet corn... that's easy enough! *Ü*

Sunday: Honestly, I'm not sure yet... sad but true. We would like to start having company on Sundays after church for fellowship... so it might be pot luck style or slow cooker soup.... I love the idea of Navy bean soup or maybe a lentil soup... The weather has turned here... not that we had great weather this summer.... we shall see what the week holds.

Go visit for more great ideas! Hundreds! *Ü*

Catherine Levison Workshop Revisited

Early Saturday morning, a few friends and I traveled to Auburn and attended a workshop given by Catherine Levison! What a treat! She was humorous and articulate. We all left rejuvenated and excited about possibility's....not just our families, but our home school community as well.

It was a little difficult for me at first as she went into detail about a Charlotte Mason education Catherine Levison style. I read her books along with a few others on CM philosophy about 10 years ago... and realized I have only focused on living books, observation and habits....and not always well! *Ü* I realize that is not all bad... but as I listened... I lamented that I had not heard her speak 10 years before! Enter sad face here..... after I snapped out of the self pity party... I realized 2 things.... 1... its not to late to implement more... and 2 I have great kids regardless of the style and resources that have educated them thus far.... as far as it is with me.... its all good.... I'm not going to take the negative road... but look to the positive...

In her opening... she made some great points that I want to share. I'm sure you know them or realize these things, but its good to hear them again every once in a while.

First point: Educating our children takes consistency and patience. Home education is long, a little like a race... we need to constantly remind ourselves... its quality... not quantity... right?? Good reminder...

Second: Realize if you need a break, take it. If you need a week off, take it. Homeschooling is constant and we all know that we cant do everything all the time. Its better to step back, re group and then move forward. The mom will be happier and in turn the little people will be happier.... or in my case... medium sized people will be happier. We need to do this... we are not in a class room for 6 or 7 hours a day and then go home with out those kids... we are home with those children 24/7! You know what I mean here... so I wont go on... but we know its true...

3rd: Researching is not always a good thing... and can be a trap. Trusting yourself more was her suggestion. Its not bad to research, but doing it all the time can lead to stress, burn out and indecisiveness. I have to agree..

Last opening point:
Realize ( and this is important!) Homeschooling is individualized!! The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence and just because Susie homemaker uses this or that... or because Jo shmos family studies Latin, Greek and German... we should too.... NO... we are as unique as snow flakes... we are all different... so we need to keep those blinders on while visiting forums and or discussions we are know... those blinders you put on a horse.... Remember not to compare either... I know.. I know... that's something we as woman suffer from... but we need to get over it don't you think? I do... Love ourselves... love our people... and have confidence in yourself!

I really did learn a lot... it was a power packed 8 hours I tell you what! So this is my teaser post! *Ü* I learned a lot, I have a lot to learn.... and I have a lot to share.... I will post more later this week.... I wanted to update and let you know how it was.... it was wonderful. Catherine even signed my book for me. *Ü* She did for a lot of people... I wasn't special.... heheh but it was a delight for me that she did.... I look forward to sharing more and learning more.

Ya'll come back now! Ya hear!

PS: Here is a link with some great articles by Catherine. I hope you enjoy reading them. I sure have.

Realistic Charlotte Mason by Catherine Levison

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs: A few favorites!!

This looks like an informative one! Home school Memoirs has a ton of links to browse and choose form. I'm sure you can glean many resources, helps and encouragement form this one!

Below is a short list of my faves....

Magazines/Carnivals - in print or online
The Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival.
The Heart of the Matter online Magazine.

Freebie sites - Home school Share

Forums The Well Trained Mind forum is my all time favorite place!
Homeschool Share just started one. Homeschool Share message boards

Inspirational/encouraging/motivational -
Tuesdays in other words and
Lori at I will take it to the lord, all you have to give.
Above Rubies I have been getting her emails for years... I love them... very encouraging.

Bible - Bible Gateway

Home school Method - Charlotte Mason: Simply Charlotte Mason
The well trained mind

Nature Study: Barbs blog Handbook of Nature study

Businesses, particularly home based: Me! I recently became a Mary Kay Beauty consultant! *Ü* My Web site: Lisa's Mary Kay web site

Visit more from Home School Memoirs: Here

Catherine Levison Workshop!

I cant wait! This Saturday a few gals and myself will hit the road in the morning hours so we can attend an all day workshop with Catherine Levison.... I am really looking forward to it.

It has been years since I have read her books...but now... I get to hear her!

Workshops include the following topics:
An overview of the Charlotte Mason method, the Liberal Arts, how to use narration, literature, art appreciation, formation of good habits, history, century books, science, nature notebooks, sketching, short lessons, scheduling, book selection and language arts including foreign languages, composition, handwriting, poetry, spelling, dictation, and more. Plus, High School and the C. M. method will be covered at the conclusion.

I'm looking forward to this! I have been reading so much about the Simply Charlotte Mason workshops back East..... I would still love to go... but this will do just fine!

I will post more later...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival

Yesterday, the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival was posted over at the Simply Charlotte Mason website.

This particular carnival is on The Art of Narration.... I encourage you to go and peak... glean and be inspired!!

I love your blog!!

Last week... a dear blog friend Katherine of Cornerstone Classical posted over here that she gave me an award..... and to come stop by her place to get it! I love prizes! She gave me an I love your blog award!

Thank you Katherine!!!

I'm not sure how this works... but my choices are in random order........

Lori, over at I will take it to the Lord! I absolutely love her blog, her wisdom and encouragement she gives me each and every time I go to her blog... I feel like she is a dear friend... even though I don't really know her! She has wonderful insight and blesses me with her pearls of wisdom and grace...

Barb, over at Harmony Art Mom and The Handbook of Nature Study. She is tireless in sharing wisdom and encouragement when it comes to art, music, nature study and Charlotte Mason! Her blogs, both of them are filled with resources, encouragement and wisdom! Hers is by far one of the best home school blogs around....

I'm not sure if Susan over at Short on Words accepts awards on her blog, but she is one talented lady with a camera! Just go and look at her current picture and try and prove me wrong! She shares wonderful, artistic photos and each Sunday also shares a picture along with scripture....and I love how she gives us a glimpse into her life through her camera lens.... Its a fantastic blog.

Darcy over at Life with 3 Boybarians! I know she doesn't do the award thing... but how can I resist her charm, wit and hilarious outtake on life with 3 boybarians and a handy man!! I love your blog Darcy! You are a such a delight!! Thanks for sharing yourself...and not only that.... but for creating this beautiful blog for me! Thanks Darcy for being my blog friend and blog guru!!!

These are my 5. They were easy to choose, but then I do have so many others I truly love too... it really wasn't that easy! LOL

Thank you to those who do this blog thing and encourage and bless me! Thank you Katherine for encouraging me too!! It means a lot!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Menu Monday

This week went very well. I was much better at placing simple meals on the menu on busy days and used the crock pot twice! I eliminated Thursdays dinner plan... instead of Home made chili... I made Spanish meatloaf! It was a new crock pot recipe and it was pretty easy and tasty! My favorite kind!

Spanish Meat Loaf

Monday: Tuna Casserole, garden salad and whole wheat rolls.

Tuesday: Beef Rocks Garden salad with egg, peas and tomatoes.

Wednesday: Grilled cheese and Clam chowder.

Thursday: Due to last weeks cancellation, we will have chili and corn bread tonight. *Ü*

Friday: Fast and light so it will be Emilie's tortilla soup!

Saturday: Left over night! Fend for yourself people!! *Ü*

Sunday: Chicken cacciatore and garlic bread.

Come and visit over at, she has 100s more posts linked that you can browse.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

~School days of old ~
It had to be scanned

RyLee about 3,Christian is 7

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs #3 Routine

OK, I'm a little behind the times.... when I posted my theme last week, I guess I linked it to this meme... oops... blushing....

As some of you know I have been working a little. So I am now juggling work, home school and the rest of life this year and its been an interesting season. One I am not adjusting to well... here is our schedule hopeful *Ü*.

5:00 am

This is my time. I have 1 hour before anyone else gets up. I make coffee and spend 30 minutes to myself reading, praying and writing in my journal.


I am on my treadmill for 40 minutes....


Everyone else gets up, ready for the day consists of showers, making beds and making sure their bath room is clean..... eating breakfast and feeding animals. We do not all sit at the table together because some of us take longer in the bathroom.... eh hum... I have a teenage daughter remember....*Ü*

7:30 My girls read and have their own quiet time for 30 minutes.

We school from 8:00-3:00 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We school from 8:00-9:30 on Monday and Wednesday, and then 3:00-6:00 on Mondays only. So we actually have 4 full days and 1 half day.... with 1 of the full days split. RyLee has an online Latin class at 9:00 every Tuesday.

Homeschooling is a way of life around here....and this is how we have to roll this year.

Prep for dinner is done in the morning for crock pot meals or right after school. We will get to chores right after school too. We will tackle monthly chores 2 Saturdays a month. That way I can make sure the kids are at home and they have 2 Saturdays where they can be gone with friends if they want. The Saturdays are not set in stone but we will know once the youth group calendar comes out. They take day trips to Seattle at times and I dont want them to miss out on that.

We have youth group on Wednesday and Friday evenings from 6:30-9:00 and I have a meeting every Monday night. My son, bless him will bring the girls home most of the time.

The girls do not want to play sports again this year. They are not interested.... so we will be taking walks again in the afternoons a few days a week and Tae Bo kids 3-4times a week. If the weather is nasty out they can walk or run on the treadmill. RyLee will be taking swim lessons at some point... poor child cant swim well.... my oldest 2 learned early... but RyLee... well we have not made that effort.

Well, this is our schedule... tentevly anyway. We reserve the right to change said schedule as needed. *Ü*

Have a great year!!!

Much love to you....

Monday, September 8, 2008

Its Monday and I have a plan! *Ü*

Last week went well... although we didnt have pulled pork! I forgot to buy the prok shoulder... sigh... so I now have one and will we will have it on Monday or Wed of next week... I'll post the recipe then too. Its so yummy! Better than Famous Daves!! Oh yes I did.... just say that! *Ü*

Monday: Soup and grilled cheese *Ü*

Tuesday: burritos and sweet potato french fries and sweet corn... Yum!!

Wednesday: Crock pot Lasagna with peas and salad on the side along with good ole garlic bread. This one is a keeper.

Thursday: Home made Chili, salad and corn bread.

Friday: BBQ Pizza again and an Alfredo chicken pizza for Ry.

Saturday: Fend for yourself people!! aka left overs! *Ü* ok moms night off.... I need it....

Sunday:: BBQ marinated flank steak, cubed red potatoes, wild rice and mixed veggies.

For more inspiration go to I'm an Organizing Junkie

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs Theme

This is my first time posting with this meme. It looks like a fun one and I look forward to browsing through others posts. What a great resource and encouragement to see so many different plans and approaches to homeschooling our peeps.

First I want to share a scripture and this years motto! The scripture for now is

"(A)Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God, my God, is with you He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work for the service of the house of the LORD is finished.

1 Chronicles 28:20

I can be courageous... and don't have to worry... my God is with me and will not forsake me...this will be a good year, no matter how full or light it is. WE will get done what we need to and worry less about what doesn't.

Who's with me!?

Koinonia Academys Motto for 2008-2009:

Keep it simple sweetie!

Is that great!? Yup... We are going to keep it simple!

As far as agenda... or the how we will get it all done....well we are still deciding that... but I do know the what....

Together we will study:


Algebra 1
Understanding the times in class
Analytical Grammar season 2
The Easy Spanish


TT Pre Algebra
Latin in the Christian Trivium
La Clase Divertida Lvl 2
Analytical Grammar season 1

I suppose a schedule or some type of paln would be good too, but I will have to get back with you on that one. *Ü* I'm still working on it. I will update as soon as I do.


Yesterday I posted pictures of a little mishap my son... and his brother form another mother had last month.... *Ü* Like I stated below, no one was hurt and was our first concern... it was just a stupid stunt and our son form another mother felt bad.... in fact... he (the son/brother from another mother) called us right away and explained what happened and apologized.... They are good boys... just boys who do not think ahead *Ü* Cause it seemed fun/funny at the time.... right? uh ya... I don't think so Tim....

Anyway... I was over at my friends blog this morning... Reaping the Harvest and noticed a new look about her place! Darcy did it again.... Another blog make over success!

The first thing that caught my eye were dandelions.....In fact in her header is a vase of dandelions. So the first thing that popped into my head was a song from one of our family's (minus my husband) favorite bands... Five Iron Frenzy... The song is called Dandelions. When ever I hear it I think of my boy, and its also one of his favorites.... because its true.....

So I had to share this song with my friend....!*Ü*... funny thing is... she had the lyrics on her blog already! Its also what inspired her new look.... and its a cute one at that.... I went on over to you tube to see if they by chance had a video... and by golly they did! So I sent her the link.....

Here is that song and video.... its cartoonish.... but I love the song...

Dandelions by Five Iron Frenzy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday uh er not so much.....

Do any of you have teenagers?? *Ü*

This is my sons car. The one that replaced the S10 that was totaled last winter in the snow. Well, last month as my son went to pick up Christian from youth group..... his best bud jumped out from no where and did a Ninja roll purposely over his moving car... leaving a head (top photo) and his butt (middle and last picture) impression in my sons windshield.

No one was hurt... well no one but two teenage boys pocket book.. *Ü*

Life lesson 500bazillion and 1... dont attempt Ninja rolls on a moving car.

The pictures look bad, but one got hurt...

President lapbook or cards

Home school share has a great presidential lap book resource for free! You can make a lap book or use them with or for your cards that we make for Tapestry of Grace.

Home school share President lap book

Monday, September 1, 2008

Monday, Monday, Monday!

Its been a long time since I planned out a menu! We have been eating lots of soup and sandwich's... along w/ a little fend for yourself around here. So lets see how I do this week. Its another busy one, but I am determined to sit down and have more meals with my family this week.

Monday: Chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese

Tuesday: Ritz Chicken and Risotto

Wednesday: Homemade BBQ chicken pizza and salad

Thursday: BBQ pulled pork sandwiches and salad

Friday: Crockpot Lasagna

Saturday: Simple Chicken Stew

Sunday Crockpot Garlic Chicken

Breakfasts will consist of Waffles, pancakes, eggs, yogurt, fresh fruit, bagels.

Lunch will consist of chicken salad, fresh fruit, good ole PB and J, baby carrots, tomato soup, left over pulled pork sandwich's..... and anything else that's fast and easy *Ü*

For more inspiration go to I'm an Organizing Junkie