Rhonda over at Living Water Christian Academy sent me some love today.... she gave me this Brillante blog award! That's so cool.... Thank you Rhonda... *Ü*
I had to Google brillante... and this is what I came up with:
Brillante means bright, radiant, and shining.
Aw shucks...blushing....*Ü*
I will follow in Rhonda's foot steps.... and choose 3 blogs... This is so hard.... because all the blogs I visit, I visit because I love them!!
Jessica at
Trivium Academy Her blog is always filled with ideas, resources and encouragement as she shares her heart and experiences...... Its Brillante! *Ü*
Brittany at
King Alfred Academy Her blog is also Brillante! She shares the joys of being outdoors and homeschooling 2 precious boys while hubby works and is going to school himself! I'm always impressed with her and family and enjoy reading and getting to know her.
Jennerfer at
Smooth Stones Academy Her blog is always filled with warmth, encouragement along with glimpse into her home school and life. She shares her heart... just like my other 2 choices....
PS:I have no idea what happened to the end of my post... wierd... so w/ saying that... I want to add a 4th peep...
Tina at
Jetihoja! She hasn't been bloggin much... just started up again... and its great she is... she loves to share her nature study enthusiasm and what she does in co-op! She should get this too! Brillante!