I decided that co-op was not going to work for us this year,that was a hard thing to decide.....but the obvious answer.... so Christian is not taking the world view class I was hoping for. But come January, together we will go through
Thinking Like a Christian. It is also by
Summit ministries. It is a 12 week study and I own it, so that works out perfect! *Ü*
So far, RyLee has begun
Latin Tuesday began week 6?? and chapter 4 will be completed by next Tuesday.
Both girls are in a Spanish class on Fridays for 1 hour. Its a pretty far drive, but we need the accountability and its a class, not a co-op setting where I have to be around. It fits great right now. If I have to do something work related, my mom or even Shawn can take them.
Its also better than splitting them up into different classes... I even contemplated a class at the local Jr and Sr. High... that lasted about 2 seconds... this is perfect... they are in the same book and have been talking to each other... I love it!
RyLee is quickly reviewing La Clasa Devertida level 1 and then she will move onto level 2.
Both girls are doing well in math, and we began
Washington State History and art this week(
artistic pursuits). They are getting grammar done and we added dictation and spelling from dictation as well. We are doing this as suggested by Catherine Levison. (the spelling coming from dictation examples)
I lamented not continuing this w/ my kids. I realized while typing this we stopped after we stopped using Sonlight.... I remembered it was actually one of the things that drew me into SL (back in the day), that and the literature approach. I'm so glad we went to Catherine Levinsons workshop last month.... I was totally re-inspired...
For dictation the last 2 weeks we have used
The Harp and Laurel Wreath: Poetry and Dictation for the Classical Curriculum.
For memorization this week we are memorizing The Amendments and the 5 freedoms from a book that is used in TOG redesign.
Its called Our Living Constitution. What a great book! The timing couldn't be better, as we are also learning about the election process.
Gosh, lets see... what else have we been doing?? Oh! Nature study! Yes, we have been doing this, but have not posted on our
Sticks and Stones blog for a while. ( come see!) We have pulled over and taken pictures from driving more than we have been out walking.... but we are observing and taking in Gods creation, and its the girls who spot this stuff!
Ya know, I feel like I'm forgetting something but I just cant think of it.... Logic! gracious me... We begin logic on Thursday...
Introductory Logic ...
Life:Dan and I have begun Sunday school with the K-2nd grade crowd again.... we just love those little people!! Lots of things have been going on in the home front, and we almost backed out...but we will continue on.
Our church had a walk through the bible Sunday in September, so we are going through the old testament right now and its been pretty cool...This age is so fun! They know far more than we expect, and they are so honest and sweet! Too fun!
This inspired me to pull out my Walk through the bible daily devotional bible (NLT). I have had it for years.... but never used it much. I have been reading it myself since September, but Christian sat with me one morning and asked her she could read with me? We prayed and then I read to her what the few chapters that day were about, and a practical application that went with what we were reading... I read a chapter, she read a chapter and I finished.... she liked it so much, we are now doing this every morning! It is so beautiful! We talk, we have cried,... I love this precious wee early morning hours spent with just her and I... My girl is growing up and maturing into a beautiful young lady. Ugh... I know they are supposed to grow up... but.. I'm sure you know what I mean....
RyLee started Jr High youth group! I don't know where time has gone, but its tickin! Do not blink... it does go by that fast... 13+ years ago I was beginning Kindergarten w/ Shawn...now I'm in a 6 year stretch and we are done folks.... oh, I need to stop thinking about that! It kinda makes me sad...
One thing I am doing for myself this year is I am going to a bible study again. Thursday mornings. I just decided I want it, I need it. I wanted to go back to BSF, but Mondays are no good, so I am going to a precepts class. The study is on Hebrews. I missed the first half... precepts breaks Hebrew into 2 studies. So I am playing catch up with an overview and jumping right into chapter 6... Icurumba!! That's a controversial chapter to start in!!
It has been crazy busy here at our casa... we have had some major stress's and changes over the last few months. Its one reason I'm not on much these days... I lost my groove so to speak........ I miss visiting all the peeps I have met on here,you are all such and encouragement...... so I have decided its time to carve out time and just do it... does that sound like a Niki commercial?? *Ü*
Oh!! One last thing before I go....my blog recently had a daily quote that just spoke to me! I want to share it w/ you...
I LOVE this verse! It was easy to memorize.... So... as you move through this year... you can remember it too if you need it...